NEWSLETTER 9th March 2025
Readings for this Sunday: Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:1-9; Sermon Topic: Anxiety
This Week (starting 9 March)
Sunday: Holy Communion at Holy Trinity 10am led by Rev Daf Meirion-Jones; Prayer at the Vicarage 6–7pm
Monday: Tiddlywinks 1.30-3pm
Tuesday: Discipleship Explored 1.30–3 pm in the Church Centre, or 7.30–9 pm at the Vicarage
Thursday: Souper Lunch 12.30–2pm;
Next Week (starting 16 March)
Sunday: Morning Prayer in the Church Centre 10am led by Rev Daf Meirion-Jones; Prayer at the Vicarage 6–7 pm Monday: Tiddlywinks 1.30 - 3pm
Tuesday: Discipleship Explored 1.30–3 pm in the Church Centre, or 7.30–9 pm at the Vicarage
Thursday: Afternoon Fellowship at the Baptist Church when Pastor Anthony Smith will be talking to us.
Friday: Link-up Bereavement Friendship Group 11am followed by an optional sharing lunch
Saturday: Community CafeĢ 10am–12 noon
New Electoral Roll
This year, all Parishes in the Church of England are asked to create a completely new Electoral Roll, requiring all those who wish to continue membership of our Church to complete a NEW Application Form. In preparation for the APCM on 27th April, forms have been sent out via email to those listed on this current year's existing Roll, for completion and return. (Paper copies will also be available at Sunday Services and delivered to those unable to attend.) On completion, please return signed forms at any of our Sunday Services. In addition, we welcome new members of the congregation to apply for membership, in order to complete this revision. CL Electoral Roll Officer.
Cream Teas
CREAM TEAS provide a valuable outreach to the local communities. Although it will be challenging, continuing with them this year will show that our Church is flourishing. Please think deeply about offering to help. Just one or two Sundays will be very valuable. Initial planning will be made easier for me if I can have some positive feedback and offers of help.
Many thanks, Sandy
Now is the time to transplant this lovely harbinger of Spring. The seed pod usually contains lots of seeds and germinates well in my back garden! Therefore if you would like some plants (free! ) please ask Dave Wainman
I am sorry that I shall have to give up doing the newsletter fairly soon due to my failing eyesight. I wonder if anyone would be willing to take it on? Judy
Good news!
Last November
Wycombe Homeless Connection (WHC) led the annual census of people sleeping rough in Buckinghamshire. We counted 22 people sleeping rough locally which is the highest number since before the COVID-19 pandemic and almost a 40% increase from the end of 2023. But there is good news!
Volunteer-led projects like our winter night shelter create a place of hope and help. People who stay in a shelter have a great chance of not having to return to the street after their stay, and evidence is showing that a time of settlement in a shelter helps more people to find a home than many other types of support work. We are delighted to share that out of the 28 guests we have hosted so far, 13 have moved in to a new place to stay, meaning they won’t have to return to the street. Thank you for your generous support!
If you know of anyone in need or if you require help yourself, please don’t hesitate to contact our Pastoral Care Team through the
Church Office.
Please Pray For: Pam, Pene, Duncan, Jennifer, Amanda, Linda, Tanya, Olive, Bryan, Rob, Kathy, Alan, Stella, Allan, Dot, Mary, and others ill at home or in hospital.
Collect for the First Sunday of Lent
Heavenly Father, your Son battled with the powers of darkness, and grew closer to you in the desert: help us to use these days to grow in wisdom and prayer that we may witness to your saving love in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen