NEWSLETTER 19th January 2025
Readings for this Sunday: Philippians 1:12-26; Mark 8: 34–38. Sermon Topic: To live is Christ
This Week (starting 19 January)
Sunday: Morning Prayer at the Church Centre 10 am led by Rev Daf Meirion-Jones; ; Prayer at the Vicarage 6 – 7 pm Monday: Tiddlywinks 1.30–3pm; Service at Cherry Garth 3 pm
Tuesday: Discipleship Explored 1.30 –3 pm in the Church Centre, or 7.30 – 9pm at the Vicarage
Thursday: Souper Lunch 12.30–2 pm; Christianity Explored 12 noon – 1.30pm or 7.30–9pm both at the Vicarage. Saturday: Community CafeĢ 10 am–12 noon
Next Week (starting 26 January)
Sunday: Holy Communion at Christ Church 10 am led by Rev Daf Meirion-Jones; Prayer at the Vicarage 6 – 7 pm
Monday: Tiddlywinks 1.30 – 3pm
Tuesday: Sue Kinnon’s Funeral 1.15pm at Holy Trinity Penn Street and afterwards at the Church Centre; Discipleship Explored 1.3 –3 pm in the Church Centre, or 7.30 – 9 pm at the Vicarage (times and details to be confirmed)
Wednesday: Book Club 10 am
Thursday: Christianity Explored 12noon–1.30 pm or 7.30–9pm both at the Vicarage
Holmer Green Today
It’s that time again when I’m asking for contributions to our Parish write-up for the Spring edition of Holmer Green Today. If so, please send it to me by email to or clearly hand-written for me to type. Personal articles can be sent direct to the Editor,, as soon as possible. The deadline is 26th January but earlier would be appreciated. Thank you in anticipation, Hilary Hide (01494 716694)
First Aid Course
We need members of our Church family to be trained in
First Aid for Children. It is a requirement of our Insurance Policy. Many of you will have attended the general course which was run by Chris Davy from the Baptist Church. Chris is happy to come and do a Children’s Course in February—this will be on a Saturday morning, 1st, 8th or 15th February. The cost will be £15 pp. A reference book and a Certificate of Attendance will be given to each participant and the proceeds will be given to charity. Please let me know if you are able to come and your preferred date. 07795470304. Sandy
Thank you, Robert Raising Funds Homeless Connection
I've decided to raise money for Wycombe Homeless Connection, who as you know do amazing work for a cause close to my heart. Please support me and help me raise much needed funds. I will send the link to my “Just Giving website” by email. Thank you, Robert
If you know of anyone in need or if you require help yourself, please don’t hesitate to contact our Pastoral Care Team through the
Church Office.
Please Pray For: Pam, Pene, Duncan, Jennifer, Amanda, Linda, Tanya, Olive, Bryan, Rob, Kathy, Alan, Stella, Allan, Mary, and others ill at home or in hospital
Collect for the Second Sunday of Epiphany
Eternal Lord, our beginning and our end: bring us with the whole creation to your glory, hidden through past ages and made known in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen